Programs & Events


At each of our monthly meetings we try to have an informative, educational program covering, directly or indirectly, some aspect affecting Amateur Radio. Although usually conducted by one of our members, we occasionally have guest speakers.

We’ve even been known to throw in a radio gear quiz or a video covering some historical event in the history of radio transmission. 


You can find the latest Monthly Program Schedule below:

Club Events

Throughout the year, Amateur Radio enthusiasts conduct worldwide contests, Boy Scout “Jamborees on The Air”, field days, license training classes, equipment and antenna building sessions and an array (no pun intended) of other activities.

See the latest event calendar below:

License Classes

The Amateur Radio Service has been in existence since the invention of radio. In the early days it was just experimenting and having fun. The American Radio Relay League was formed on April 6, 1914 by Hiram Percy Maxim, and is currently the largest association of amateur radio enthusiasts in the United States and possibly the world.

The starting level entrance class is the Technician License, with the next step being the General license and the top license is the Extra Class. HCARC provides Amateur Radio training classes at various intervals throughout the year based on demand. If you may be interested, contact us.

In order to obtain a license for any class, you must pass an exam, which is given by Volunteer Examiners for the Federal Communication Commission. The Technician license will get you the ability to get on the air and experiment with numerous opportunities that class provides. The radio gear required for this is not expensive. If you decide to learn more and progress, each step up in the license class will get you more privileges as to frequencies and modes of operation you can use. 

Come to a meeting on the first Thursday of each month, introduce yourself, chat with some members, talk to some club officers and decide if you would like to pursue an Amateur Radio License. You will find that Ham radio Operators are among the most friendly and supportive folks you will ever meet.

Volunteer Exams

The Hill Country Amateur Radio Club participates in the American Radio Relay League Volunteer Examiner program. Our current exam schedule may be found at Our Club has tenatively scheduled exams the first Saturday of each month after the month's regularly scheduled Thursday night meeting, with the exception of March and November, which would be the second Saturday in those months. No scheduled exams in December if there is no club meeting. If no candidates are registered by each months club meeting, then the session will not take place. Due to the large geographical area our members reside in, we have two Volunteer Exam teams.

Please go to the exam process web page for VE Team contacts and details.


     HCARC, PO Box 294802, Kerrville, TX 78029




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