Member Benefits
- You can tap into an expertise pool of nearly one hundred Hams, many with two, three or more decades of experience – all willing to share!
- After appropriate training, members can use our stations state-of-the-art Flex Radios and an impressive antenna farm!
- You can join our “Email Reflector” on which you can post a technical question and receive suggestions and answers from the other members!
- For eleven months of the year there are educational and informative programs provided at each of our meetings!
- We offer license classes and exams. No need to travel far!
- There are “Saturday Build it” classes planned with opportunities to build antennas and other equipment!
All this for $30 per year…. That’s about $2.75 per month!
Email Reflector
Members may elect to join our Google based Email Reflector.
Any communication posted on the reflector will be simultaneously sent to every other club member that has subscribed to the Reflector. You can even include attachments. (NOTE: make sure it's with the same email you are subscribed with otherwise it won't go through)
Unsubscribing is as simple as sending an email to
Members wanting to subscribe to the reflector should contact the Club President.
For Sale, Wanted, & Free
Have a piece of equipment you want to sell? Looking to find something our members may have? Wanting to clear out that ham shack closet?
Contact the Club Secretary with a list of your needs and he will post it here.
NOTE: The seller should notify the Secretary when the item is no longer available. If the seller does not notify the webmaster to renew the information after 30 days it may be removed anytime!
The information posted on this website may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors.
The Hill Country Amateur Radio Club does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the items or the reliability of any item, statement or other information displayed or distributed through this website.
Any sales and/or trades are solely between the buyer and the seller/trader listed on this webpage.
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