Club Station
Our goal is to provide our members with the most efficient, comfortable, and technologically updated radio room in the Hill Country with emphasis on HF DXing and local HF/VHF/UHF Emergency Communications.
Fortunately, we’re in a relatively low-noise location which allows us to enjoy the benefits of our state-of-the-art radio equipment. Hands-on Software Defined Radios, Networked Computers for Logging/all-Modes, and Remotely Controlled Radios enable our operators to hang in there with the best of them.
We’re capable of operating three HF radios simultaneously with tri-plexors and band pass filters while exploiting band openings.
The W3XO club station boasts four primary operating positions (these configurations are event dependent):
- FlexRadio 6400M #1 radio connected to the multi-band vertical and tri- band beam antennas.
- FlexRadio 6400M #2 radio connected to the tri-band beam and EFHW antennas.
- WinLink/FM & VHF/UHF radios (2) connected to the dual-band 2 & 0.7-meters vertical.
- A “Bring Your Own Radio” radio position. Warm up your filaments and connect to the 6, 40-meter NVIS, and tri-band beam antennas.
Over time we’re considering equipment for:
- Additional Emergency Communication modes
- Dedicated 6-meter radio/amplifier for Meteor Scatter
- Az/El Tracking and radio for Satellite communications
- Radio astronomy and EME for STEM
Our radios, computers, programs, etc. are managed by the HCARC Station Committee. We’ve invested in improved ergonomics and sound abatement for our operators and loggers.
Two Meter Repeater
The W3XO repeater is a Yaesu Fusion DR-2X with LAN card – WiRES-X and IMRS capable; operating in automatic analog/digital in/out mode (AMS)
- Operating frequencies: output: 146.79 MHz; input 146.19 MHz. PL tone 162.2.
Control link: 70cm
It is located at 30 0 03’ 31” N 99 0 03’ 51” W, approximately 4.5 miles east of downtown Kerrville off Cypress Creek Road at the KKER transmitter site. Nominal repeater power output is 50 watts. Calculated ERP based on antenna gain, less feed line, duplexer and isolator losses = 88 watts.
The antenna height is 265 feet above ground, placing it at a height of 2,269 feet above sea level. The antenna is a Decibel Products DB224 in elliptical mode (max 6 dBd gain to WSW) – measured VSWR: 1.5:1 at 147 MHz. The main feed line is approx. 275 ft. 7/8” Heliax (approx. 1.15 dB insertion loss at 147 MHz).
Rob Schutte
Vice President
Sean Rafferty
Pam Ortega
Bill Beal
In The News
We're a very active club! Here's a few local HCARC news stories: